June First Friday "Rainbow Glitter"

June is Pride month so start celebrating with us next Friday June 7th. It’s the 50th Anniversary of “Gay Pride” so it’s a really big deal this year and you won’t want to miss out! . Tracks is going above and beyond! Music for everyone with DJ Soup spinning country from 6-10 in EXDO followed…

May First Friday "Mustache"

First Friday is right around the corner and Mustache is the theme so get creative with yours. May is one of the biggest First Fridays of the year as we move into Pride Season. EVERYONE is always welcome to the largest monthly LGBT party in Denver Music for everyone with DJ Shannon spinning country from…

April 2019 First Friday "GLO"

April will be our first Blacklight Party and our theme is aptly named “GLO”. It’s time to hit the dollar store to get some fun glow stuff – necklaces, bracelets. etc. Plus you can wear anything that glows in the dark. Spring has sprung. DJ’s Tatiana, Markie, S oupand Blaque Gurl will be playing everything from country…

February First Friday "Lumberjane"

Get your plaid out for one of the busiest First Fridays of the year. As always, everyone is welcome! #firstfridayattracks #babesaroundenver #lgbtparty #tracksdenver #lesbianpartydenver #djmarkie #djtatiana #djblaquegurl #djsoup Music for everyone with DJ Soup spinning country from 6-10 in EXDO followed by DJ Markie spinning retro and Top 40 from 10-close. DJ Tatiana opens the…

December First Friday "Winter In Paris"

Start the holiday season with a ‘Winter in Paris” theme at First Friday Music for everyone with DJ Shannon spinning country from 6-10 in EXDO followed by DJ Markie spinning retro and Top 40 from 10-close. DJ Tatiana opens the main room at 8 with retro to 10 followed by Top 40/latin and all kinds…

November First Friday "Day of The Dead"

Celebrate the “Day of the Dead” at November First Friday…..Sugar Skulls rule! Music for everyone with DJ Soup from Cowboy Lounge spinning country from 6-10 in EXDO followed by DJ MrKIE spinning retro and Top 40 from 10-close. DJ Tatiana opens the main room at 8 with retro to 10 followed by Top 40/latin and…

September First Friday at Tracks "Study Buddies"

BAAAACK To School with your Study Buddies. Naughty school girls and boys will be out next Friday for the largest monthly Women’s party in the US!!! EVERYONE is welcome to the most diverse party in Denver. #firstfridayattracks #babesaroundenver #lesbianpartydenver#lgbtdenver #chickswholikechicks Music for everyone with DJ Stone Cox spinning country from 6- 10 in EXDO followed…